Cloud Services by NatPay

Embrace the Finest Cloud Solutions

Tailored Cloud Solutions for Your Needs

Organizations worldwide are embracing cloud services to expedite innovation, access flexible IT resources, and capitalize on scale economies. With options spanning private, public, and hybrid cloud, alongside a plethora of providers, seeking expert guidance is essential to making informed investment decisions. 

NatPay Cloud Solutions collaborates with businesses and public agencies across the Caribbean, comprehensively understanding their strategic visions to identify bespoke, future-ready cloud solutions. 

Your Trusted Cloud Partners

AWS Cloud Migration

Leveraging AWS within Microsoft environments enhances operational efficiency and unlocks a multitude of solutions. AWS boasts over 200 products and services seamlessly integrating with Microsoft’s ecosystem, facilitating innovative solutions. 

NatPay Cloud Solutions provides expert advice on optimizing AWS components, including AWS Site Recovery, Virtual Desktop platforms, and flexible, scalable infrastructure solutions. 

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Distribution

IaaS provisioned and managed over the internet through AWS enables the rapid creation of secure, scalable infrastructure, reducing planning, procurement, and management overheads. 

The benefits of IaaS include eliminating capital expenditure, reducing ongoing costs, enhancing business continuity, accelerating responsiveness to market changes, and expediting app delivery.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) Distribution

PaaS offers a complete cloud-based development and deployment environment, facilitating the delivery of simple to sophisticated enterprise applications. Purchased on a pay-as-you-go basis, PaaS minimizes coding time, expands development capabilities, and supports multiple platforms affordably. 

Serverless Computing Distribution

Serverless computing streamlines application development by eliminating infrastructure management, allowing developers to purchase backend services on a flexible, pay-as-you-go basis. This approach minimizes resource allocation to infrastructure management, enabling a focus on core development. 

Contact us!

To explore how NatPay Cloud Solutions can optimize your cloud investment.


NatPay Cloud Solutions 

3, Avenue Maïs-Gâté, Allée des Entrepreneurs No. 8B 

Tabarre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti HT-6123  

+509 31 00 81 81

+509 55 50 8181 (Technical Support)



We always want to hear from you at Cloud Services. Contact us today to find the customized IT solutions that best fit your needs.